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L ocalisation L okalisation in th e intestine � S m allintestine: � Trem atodes,Taenia, H ym enolepis,S trongyloides, H ookworm s,Trich uris,A scaris � L arge Intestine: � Enterobius verm icularis C ross-sectionofTrich uris trich iura inth e gut Enterobius vermicularis inth e colon A scaris lumbricoides inth e gut L okalisation in th e eye M ale W uch ereria bancroftiinth e anterior A dultL oa loa inth e eye ch amberofth e eye 20�m long L okalisation in th e skin C ercarialdermatitis (Swimmer�s Itch):penetrationofth e L arva ofh ookworm inth e dermis ofa foot skinby cercariae could give rice to anitch y rash (due to aviansch istosomes) L okalisation in th e lym ph atic vessels W uch ereria bancroftiinanoccluded lymph aticvessel L okalisation in th e liver G ranuloma surroundingeggofSch istosoma mansoniinliver Sch istosomalperiportalfibrosis ofth e liver L okalisation in th e lungs Transverse sectionofA scaris lumbricoides larvae inth e pulmonary alveoli L okalisation in th e m uscle Ttrich inella spiralis larvae inmuscle from a fatalh umancase Encysted larvae remainalive foryears C alcificationofth e encysted larvae occurs after18 month s detected by X-ray L okalisation in th e mind Brainbiopsy:cross sectionofa larva ofBaylisascaris procyonis from a ch ild with neurallarva migrans C linicalP resentation C ercarialderm atitis C erebralcysticercosis larvalcysticercoid inpig m eat M agneticresonance im aging C om putertom ograph y coronalsectionofbrain C ysticercus wih surrounding oedem a L arva m igrans P eriorbitallarva m igrans C utaneous larva m igrans M igrating subcutaneous swelling related � creeping eruption� with painand eosinoph ilia Infective larvae ofA ncylostom a failto G nath ostom a larvae m ay be recovered penetrate th e h um anderm is,m igrate th rough surgically from swellings th e epiderm is,leaving typicaltracks L ym ph atic F ilariasis (Eleph antiasis) filarialworm s lodge inth e lym ph atic system O nch ocerciasis � H anging groin� & scrotaleleph antiasis skindisease,together with nodules underth e skinordebilitating itch ing R iverblindness visualim pairm entor blindness H ydatidosis H ydatid cystinth e liver H ydatid cystinth e mind S igns and S ym ptom s � diarrh oea,gastrointestinalupset, vaginalirritation,jointpain,m ucous instools,abdom inalcram ps & fuel, loss ofappetite,cough ing,fever, vom iting � typically feeling unwell,im m une dysfunction,allergies,anem ia, leth argy,fuz z y th inking,h eadach es, restlessness,h airloss,arth ritis, m ineralim balances � m ay lastforweeks and return severaltim es a year � one orm ore sym ptom s � inN orth A m erica and Europe, parasites hardly ever trigger critical com plications Diagnosisiagnosis: MicroscopicDiagnosis: MicroscopicDiagnosis: Microscopic examinationMicroscopic examinationexaminationexamination Detection ofparasites oreggs � � S cotch tape check� � F ecal/stoolexam K ato-K atz Tech nique Diagnosis: EndoscopyDiagnosis: EndoscopyDiagnosis: EndoscopyDiagnosis: Endoscopy Detection ofparasites oroth er abnorm alities th atm ay be causing indicators & sym ptom s A C ase ofTapeworm InfectionO bserved by Video C apsule Endos Diagnosis: ColonoscopyDiagnosisiagnosisiagnosis: ColonoscopyColonoscopyColonoscopy � fifty eight yearold A m ericanm anwh o frequently travels to G uatem ala was screened for colonoscopy � was asym ptom atic � visualiz ed h ere had been num erous wh ite worm s seenth tough outth e colon � A ddendum:parasites were verify ed to be P inworm s,together with severalegg sacs wh ich were recovered inth e aspirate Diagnosis: Blood testDiagnosis: Blood testDiagnosis: Blood testDiagnosis: Blood take a look at B lood tests look fora specific parasite infection � S erology used to look forantibodies or forparasite antigens � B lood sm ear used to look forparasites th atare found inth e blood; diabetes symptoms glucose level safe 150 mg irbesartan.

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发表于 2021-8-29 16:58:21 | 只看该作者

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