
标题: Why Are Fermented Foods Wedding Photo Retouching Services [打印本页]

作者: ahad    时间: 2022-7-20 11:08
标题: Why Are Fermented Foods Wedding Photo Retouching Services
Text: Lo Chun-yang (Lecturer, General Education Foundation Course, Chinese University of Hong Kong) Photo: Radio Television Hong Kong The first episode of "The Science of Cooking" explores how heat causes chemical changes in food, while the second episode discusses how physical methods change ingredients. Chemistry and physics have been discussed, so what role do organisms play in the cooking process? When it comes to cooking, we may not immediately think of the role of living things, but in fact, since ancient times, humans have been using microorganisms to create countless love-hate foods. This method of transforming food with microorganisms is called "fermentation".

Cooking_3_8 Human cooking culture is closely related to microorganisms. wedding photo retouching services The most popular fermented drink - alcohol When it comes to the most popular fermented drink, it is alcohol. Archaeology has found that humans have been dealing with alcohol as early as 10,000 years ago. Alcohol is not only delicious, it is more exciting and enjoyable to drink. But human love for it is more likely related to our evolutionary history. Simply put, alcohol is the fermented product of sugar. This fermentation process is mainly caused by yeast - in the absence of oxygen, yeast will convert sugar into ethanol and carbon dioxide. This is the process we use to turn grains and fruits into delicious alcoholic beverages. But why did yeast develop the ability to convert sugar into alcohol? Yeast converts sugar into alcoholAlcohol is not only delicious,

it is more exciting and enjoyable to drink. But human love for it is more likely related to our evolutionary history. Simply put, alcohol is the fermented product of sugar. This fermentation process is mainly caused by yeast - in the absence of oxygen, yeast will convert sugar into ethanol and carbon dioxide. This is the process we use to turn grains and fruits into delicious alcoholic beverages. But why did yeast develop the ability to convert sugar into alcohol? Yeast converts sugar into alcoholAlcohol is not only delicious, it is more exciting and enjoyable to drink. But human love for it is more likely related to our evolutionary history. Simply put, alcohol is the fermented product of sugar. This fermentation process is mainly caused by yeast - in the absence of oxygen, yeast will convert sugar into ethanol and carbon dioxide. This is the process we use to tu

作者: christian398    时间: 前天 06:50
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